The best holidays ever

Hi today I'm going to talk about of The best holidays I've ever had was at Futrono in 2020... I guess, because it is the one I remember the most, and I have good memories of that's holidays. Every once in a while I trip to Futrono, the first one that I remember was in 2010, and the clearest memory of that trip was the earthquake and the journey back, because it takes like 15 hrs to go back to Santiago and the djmendez song lady that was played every time in the radio main while me with my family were in the traffic jam. In this trip I was like 1 month and I went with my family and my "next door" neighbors, we rent a house of my uncle there and every day was like to go a meet many beaches and towns in Lake "Ranco" also we did slack line in many places (I don't have photos, the most are lost media pipipi), and I could meet the town of Valdivia, at that moment I had already known the town, but the memories were blurry, and I was able to known the fort ...