A country you would like to visit.

 Hi everyone, to night in my first blog, I will talk about A country I would like to visit.

In this case, I would like to visit China, more specifically Tibet.

The roof of the world with an average altitude of 4900 meters over the sea level, I would like to travel there for the culture, that is the most reason that I would like to go there also the scenery must be beautiful. 

There it is the residence of Dalái lama in the Lhasa Temple, before china invaded Tibet in 1959. Now heritage of Humanity by Unesco. And some many monasteries where it teaches philosophy, medicine etc. 

                 the image is the Lhasa Temple  
Also, I would like to do the route From the Lhasa to the Basecamp of the Everest.

I never thought to live in other place that's not Chile, and regarding Tibet I would not like to live there, and I don't think the China Government would like that, the poverty in Tibet and the delicate state it is now, it's not the best place to live but if I have to choose I would try it.


  1. omg ✨O✨, Tibet is so beautiful and at a super high altitude!!! now I want to visit it too~

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